President’s Charity Run

Family Fun Run for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research

 Brother Richard’s Charity is Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, in memory of the late Gerard Glancy.

 A Family Fun Run is planned for Saturday 23rd March at Lloyd’s Park, starting at 2pm. It is open to all the family. The distance is 7km with each lap of the park being about 1.6km and although it is called a Fun Run, you have the option to either run or  walk all or just part of the course.

 Of course, it is hoped you will secure sponsorship for your efforts in aid of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.

 The easiest way to handle sponsorship is via ‘Justgiving’. Their website is and click ‘Make Your Page’. Just make sure you choose Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research as your chosen charity.

 If you are not happy to set up your ‘Justgiving’ website, the Sponsorship Form can be downloaded from ourCroydon Circlewebsite.

 Mike McFarlane needs to know who will be running so that he can advise Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research. They will send out fundraising packs and T-Shirts to all entrants.

 If you don’t feel happy with running or walking on the day, why not help a runner with sponsorship.

 Mike McFarlane and Ken Lee are organising some training sessions to help us all get fit for the run. These dates will be sent by e.mail to all brothers.

Future Events


Tuesday 23rd October – 7.30pm – Presidents’ Half way Night

Sunday 4th November – 10.30 Six Provinces Mass for Deceased Brothers   at              Westminster Cathedral.

Sunday 18th November – noon – Circle Mass for Deceased Brothers followed by lunch – St Columba’s Church, Selsdon

Thursday 22nd November – 7pm for 7.45pm – Clergy Night at Farleigh Common Golf Club.

Tuesday 27th November – 8pm – Circle meeting

Tuesday 18th December –  7.30pm Circle meeting followed by Stag Supper


Tuesday 22nd January – 8.00pm Circle Meeting

Tuesday 26th February – 7.30pm – Circle Meeting followed by Quiz Night and supper with ladies.

28th March – 7.30pm – Circle Meeting followed by End of term Supper

23rd April 7.30pm – AGM followed by Circle Meeting

Friday 10th May – 6 Provinces Joint Meeting and Croydon Circle’s 1100th Meeting at London Lancaster Hotel.

Friday 10th – Sunday 12th May – Annual Conference at London Lancaster Hotel

Sunday 12th May – River Thames Cruise

Friday 24th May – 1100th Meeting Gala Dinner & Dance

Croydon’s 1100th Meeting at The London Conference

Croydon Circle celebrates its 1100th Meeting in May 2013 and has been invited to host the 6 Circle Joint meeting on the opening Friday Night of the London Conference on May 10th 2013.

The 6 Provinces of London have each appointed a Circle to represent them at the Joint Meeting . The other Circles will be London Circle (2) from Province 2, South London Circle (10) from Province 7, West London Circle (48) from Province 8, London Charterhouse Circle (49) from Province 14, Crawley Circle (195) from Province 18 and Croydon Circle (60) will be representing Province 19.

This event will be the first official engagement of Bro. John Rayer as Grand President and it is expected to attract a large attendance from brothers in the 6 Provinces area and those attending the Conference.

To encourage London brothers to attend, the organisers of the Conference have arranged entertainment for the Ladies whilst the meeting takes place.

Don Maclean the well known comedian, entertainer and broadcaster will be regaling the ladies about his days on Crackerjack and other programmes.

The Circle Summer BBQ

On one of the few warm, dry and sunny evenings at the end of July, Croydon’s Vice President, Andrew Denore and his wife Lina entertained the Circle ladies, brothers, wives and their families to a summer barbecue in their large garden.

Almost 100 people attended a great evening of music, food and family gossip. President Richard Mills ably assisted by Andrew cooked an enormous amount of food on the barbecue. Hopefully, this will become an annual event once again.


The President’s Weekend – a Report by Richard Mills

This year’s President’s Weekend took place from the 7th- 9th of September at Hastings.  Altogether there were 40 brothers, their wives and circle ladies.

The hotel was a real surprise, in very fine original condition full of ornate Victorian touches and very large bedrooms with some even having spiral staircases leading down to the wardrobes.

The weekend started informally on Friday evening with some eating in the hotel and others dining in the town, with an assault on the amusement arcades and a competitive game of air hockey between two of the brothers.

The main event during the day on Saturday was a trip to Battle Abbey and the Battlefield, history, culture and a cream tea!  We all joined together for dinner in the hotel in the evening and there was still enough energy left in some to go intoHastings in search of more entertainment and even some dancing was rumoured to have taken place.

Sunday morning Mass was at St Thomas of Canterbury and Holy Redeemer Church in Hastings, a beautiful church and a vibrant parish, well worth a visit for anyone staying in Hastings.  We were invited to join Hastings Circle at their Ladies’ Lunch at the Azur Restaurant on St Leonards Seafront and the two circles enjoyed an excellent and leisurely lunch with Croydon winning more than their fair share of the prizes in the raffle held to raise funds for their President’s Charity.

The weather during the weekend was better than we dared hope, sunshine all day every day. Altogether it was a very enjoyable weekend, Mary and I would like to thank everyone who came and supported us and thanks again for the gifts presented to us both on Saturday night.

160 Years of Catenian Membership

Bro. Peter Woodford, Director of Province 19, presented scrolls for 40 years continuous membership to four Croydon Brothers at the August meeting.

They were John Litchfield, Tony Melvin, Mike Thelwell and Joe Sheen.

Back row-    Circle President, Richard Mills ,  Director, Peter Woodford,

Front Row- Bros. John Litchfield, Tony Melvin,    Provincial President  David      Prebble,  Bros. Joe Sheen and Mike Thelwell