Ten Croydon Brothers went to Liverpool for the Catenian National Conference

catenian-national-conference_2Ten Croydon Brothers went to Liverpool for the Catenian National Conference on the weekend of 9-11 May together with nine wives and three widows, and a good time was had by all.

Liverpool has some of the best examples of neo-classical architecture in the world around William Brown Street, most notably the magnificent St George’s Hall which was the venue for the conference. You could be forgiven for thinking you were in Greece!


The welcome reception on Friday evening was held in the 20th century Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, Britain’s biggest Cathedral. It was completed in 1978 having taken 74 years to build and is breathtaking in scale. You could take a coach back to your hotel, but make sure you get the right one – Sue and Mary P. didn’t and had a tour to Albert Dock before the kind coach driver took them to their hotel. Stephen and Pat had walked back and we’d been in the bar of the hotel for at least 30 minutes before Sue and Mary arrived.


Saturday morning was the conference for the men, while the ladies did their own thing. Five ladies took a tour to two of the Beatle houses which they really enjoyed. In the afternoon Lina and Andrew listened to live music in the hot and sweaty Cavern Club. Tina and Ken had been the previous afternoon when it started raining, being directed down three flights of stairs (with other people) to two locked doors at the bottom! Banging one door encouraged someone to open it and let us in – it was the fire escape.

There were three “Black tie” dinners on Saturday evening, one in the Marriot hotel hosted by Grand President Bob Butler, and two with live music in the Adelphi hotel hosted by immediate past GP John Rayer and Grand Vice President Peter Woodford. We all went to the Adelphi but of those staying at the Holiday Inn only Rosemary, Peggy and Tina caught the coach: the rest of us missed it having arranged to meet in the hotel foyer at 6:20pm for a 6:30pm coach which was actually leaving at 6:15pm! Jean was adamant (and no doubt still is) that the coach was due to leave at 6:30. Five ladies therefore got a taxi while the four men walked the 4 minutes to the Adelphi, arriving just before the ladies’ taxi.

catenian-national-conference_3At the dinner the Croydon party ravers on table 12 lost out on the champagne prize for the best balloon arrangement because the judge was not a plane spotter and didn’t see their arrangement which they had floated to the ceiling. The prize went instead to a group of ladies who were dancing with their arrangement at head height. On the stroke of midnight the party ended, and some retired to their hotel bar for a nightcap.

Sunday morning we attended High Mass at the Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, a modern, spacious, circular Cathedral opened in 1967, which features lovely multi-coloured windows and outside looks like a wigwam on top. Mass was celebrated by the new Archbishop of Liverpool, his first Mass at the cathedral.

A lovely weekend in lovely company and a good time was had by all, though no one took a “ferry cross the Mersey” because the wind was too strong.

The Croydon party comprised Jean Wood, Peggy Albertini, Rosemary Canning, John Parsons, Noel & Anne Brownsell, Tony & Maureen Melvin, Richard & Mary Mills, Andrew & Lina Denore, Pat & Sue O’Brien, Stephen & Mary Piper, Phil & Gill Tomei, Gerry & Margaret Gallen, and Ken & Tina Lee.

Brothers get taste for beer and heavy metal!

Among the distinguished visitors at the 2013 Great British Beer Festival held at the London Olympia was a delegation of Brothers from Croydon and Balham Circles.  Always on the lookout for new social activities the visit was organised by Bro. Richard Pyatt, a joint member of both Circles, and an enthusiast of real ale and steam railways. So the opportunity to savour some fine brews alongside impressive locomotives was too good to miss.  Brothers were able to sample a wide variety of beers but despite best intentions didn’t manage to taste all of them.  There were 800 on sale after all!

2013 Great British Beer Festival
Brothers from Croydon and Balham Circles sample some fine beers alongside ‘Prince’ one of the 4 original locomotives built for the Ffestiniog Railway in North Wales 150 years ago.

Grand President graces Croydon 1100th Gala Dinner

Croydon Circle celebrated the event of its 1100th meeting with a Gala Dinner Dance at Farleigh Court Golf Club attended by Grand President John Rayer and his Wife Anne. Other ‘Top Table’ guests included Provincial President Rod O’Connor and Director Province 19 Peter Woodford accompanied by their Wives.  Excellent dancing music was provided by Croydon Brothers Roy Easthope and Kevin Quinlan, together with Kevin’s Wife Denise, aka ‘Night Shift’.

Gala Dinner Dance

Provincial President Bro. Rod O’Connor and his Wife Tina, Grand President Bro. John Rayer and his Wife Anne, Croydon Circle President Bro. Andrew Denore and his Wife Lena, Director Province 19 Bro. Peter Woodford and his Wife Anne.

Croydon goes the extra mile

Circle Brothers together with family and friends gathered at Lloyd Park Croydon to run, jog and walk in a Fun Run in support of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.  This was the chosen charity of Past President Richard Mills but the event had to be rearranged due to bad weather earlier in the year.  Current Circle President Richard Denore was more than happy to endorse the event and donned his running kit to take part himself.  The event was in held memory of Croydon Circle Past President Gerard Glancy.

Lloyd Park Croydon

Left to right
Bro. Paul Nattrass and his daughter Helena, Circle President Bro. Andrew Denore, Circle Vice President Bro. Ken Lee.

Bill makes in two in a row for Croydon!

The enrolment of Bro Bill Doherty at its February meeting made it two in a row for Croydon Circle, hot on the heels of the enrolment of Bro Mark Ismond in January 2013.  Testimony indeed to the efforts of Circle membership Officer John Fennell.   Bill made a particular point of thanking Brothers for the warm welcome received, both in enrolment and during his time as a Visiting Gentleman.

Bill a retired Head Teacher, is married to Anna with a grown up family.  He attends St Columba’s Church in Selsdon, where he also taught Confirmation classes for many years.  By way of Catenian connections, Bill’s former School Secretary was the Mother of current Croydon Circle President Bro Richard Mills.

The enrolment of Bro Bill Doherty

Left to right
Croydon Circle President Bro. Richards Mills, Bro. Bill Doherty, Croydon Circle Membership Officer Bro. John Fennell

New Year – New Brother!

2013 got off to a flying start for Croydon Circle with the enrolment of Brother Mark Ismond at its January meeting.

Mark, a Planner for British Telecoms, is married to Jenifer and has two daughters, Jasmine and Martine, pupils at local Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools. The family attend St Gertrude’s Parish Church, South Croydon. Mark is looking forward to becoming an active member of this vibrant Circle.

New Year - New Brother!

Left to right
Croydon Membership Officer Bro. John Fennell, Bro. Mark Ismond, Croydon Circle President Bro. Richards Mills.