Croydon answers charity call

Croydon Circle Immediate Past President Ken Lee was delighted with the support received for his chosen charity, the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

Over the 2014/15 Presidential Year, Brothers, Wives, Widows and friends raised almost £4000 before accounting for gift aided donations.  Events ranged from raffles to a sponsored Circle ‘Walk and Run’, Christmas card stamp donations, participation in the Charity’s own Marsden March, and a number of other generous donations.

Bro. Ken and his wife Tina were delighted to receive a certificate from the Royal Marsden for the total raised, on behalf of the Circle.


Croydon Circle immediate Past President Bro. Ken Lee and his wife Tina at the Royal Marsden Sutton receiving a certificate for Croydon Circle from Jean Eve (centre) the Charity’s Community Fundraising Assistant.

Grand President supports Croydon May Supper

Croydon Circle was delighted to welcome Bro. Grand President Peter Woodford and his Wife Anne to their Annual May Supper this year, together with a large party of visiting Brothers from across Province 19 and beyond. Two Past Grand Presidents were also present, Bro. Gerald Soane and Croydon’s Bro. John Barrie.

Following the monthly Circle meeting, Brothers their Wives and guests were able to relax and socialise whilst enjoying a pleasant meal.  The consistent level of support for the event explains why it has become a firm feature in the Circle and Provincial calendars, as well as a positive advert for the social side of the Association.


Left to right:  Director Province 7 Bro. Peter Stevens,  Mrs Anne Woodford, Bro. Grand President Peter Woodford, Croydon Circle President Bro. Richard Pyatt.

Presidents’ Sunday 2014

Croydon Circle celebrated President’s Sunday on 29th June at The Holy Family Church, Sanderstead.

The day started with a warm, spiritual Mass celebrated by Fr. Gus Kinnane and concelebrated by Fr. P. Murtagh which was much appreciated by the 95 Croydon Brothers, wives and widows of past members present in the congregation. Circle President Ken Lee and Vice President Richard Pyatt did the readings and like all Catenian Masses, the singing was spirited and full voiced.

The Mass was followed by a fantastic tea party superbly organised by Circle President Ken, his wife, Tina and their family.

Fortunately, the sunny weather only deteriorated later in the afternoon when the event was drawing to a close.

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The Marsden March – President’s Charity

At the beginning of his year in office, President Ken Lee announced that his President’s Charity would be The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and throughout the year various fund raising efforts have taken place.

The final event was participation in the Marsden March on Sunday 22nd March. Sadly, Ken an avid runner and walker was prevented from taking part (his son Thomas took his place) but members of the Circle put in much effort to raise funds for the Charity.

Gil and Phil Tomei , Maureen and Clare Melvin walked the 5 mile route whilst Stephen Piper, Andrew Denore and Thomas Lee walked the 14 mile route.

The final amount raised is not yet known but will certainly exceed several hundred pounds when fully collected.


Left to right
Phil Tomei, Gil Tomei, Clare Melvin, Maureen Melvin



Left to right
Stephen Piper, Andrew Denore, Phil Tomei, Gil Tomei, Thomas Lee

Croydon Circle Clergy Night – November 2014

Croydon Circle held their Annual Clergy Night Dinner at Purely Downs Golf Club in November attracting the largest group of Clergy and Sisters for many years from the Parishes round Croydon and also the Emmaus Centre in West Wickham. It is the one time in the year when the Circle welcome and give thanks to the clergy who give so much time to their Parishioners.

Circle President, Ken Lee welcomed all the guests and a humorous response was made by Canon James Pannett.


From left to Right
Fr Patrick Cannon (St Dominic, Waddon), Deacon Philip Pond, Fr Joseph O’Connor (Our Lady of the Annunciation, Addiscombe), Fr Patrick Murtagh (retired), Fr Gus Kinnane (Holy Family, Sanderstead), Canon Frank O’Sullivan (retired), Fr Martin McCarthy, (St Gertrude, South Croydon), Circle President, Ken Lee, Tina Lee, Fr Denis Paul (retired), Canon James Pannett (St John the Baptist, Purley), Fr Richard Lear (Emmaus Retreat Conference Centre), Fr William Damah (St Chad, South Norwood), Sister Sheila Moloney (Convent of Daughters of Mary and Joseph, Thornton Heath), Fr Desmond Doherty (retired), Fr Antony Megalan Sellam (St Mary’s, West Croydon), Fr Michael Scanlon (St Mary’s, West Croydon), Sister Felice Wright (Emmaus Retreat Conference Centre), Fr Barry Hughes (behind Sr Felice) (retired).

A Great Day for Kite Flying

A group of Croydon Brothers, wives and widows of past members took a trip to Littlehampton on August 17th.

The morning was dull and overcast with a strong wind – hardly the best weather for a day by the seaside. Too cold for a dip in the sea, the group strolled by the river into town and enjoyed morning tea and coffee followed by lunch at a pleasant cafe in town.

Shortly afterwards, the clouds lifted and the sun came out causing a mad dash to the beach. Richard Mills with a keen organiser’s mind had brought a supply of kites. Some of the group had greater skills with kite flying than others and in short order the kites were flying against a clear blue sky.

After a stroll along the prom and tea, the group left for home and agreed it had been a most enjoyable day.
