Archive for the Philip Members Category

Membership Drive at St. Mary’s, West Croydon

Our Membership Team headed by John Fennell the Circle Membership Officer, undertook a membership drive at the largest Parish in Croydon – St Mary’s in West Croydon, over the weekend of February 15th/16th, aided by Deacon Vincent Morrison, a member of Croydon Circle and a number of other brothers including our two newest members, Bro’s Michael Abiodun & Yves Kpami.

All seven weekend masses were covered, yielding the names of many prospective new members.

Pictured are, from left to right:-

Membership Officer, Bro. John Fennell, Circle President, Richard Pyatt, Bros. Michael Abiodun & Yves Kpami and Deacon Vincent Morrison


Burns Night Supper 2020

Eight Croydon Brothers joined Purley Circle and some sixty visitors from Province 19 for their annual Burns Night Supper on 23rd January at Woodcote Park Golf Club.

All the traditional features were present including haggis, drams, pipe music, recitations and songs; not forgetting the equally traditional Tam o’ Shanters which have the strangely levelling effect of making everyone, regardless of office or seniority, look completely ridiculous!

Pictured: President Elect Bernard Diver flanked by Bros. Phillip Tomei and Stephen Piper.

Sebastian Walicki joins Croydon Circle

Sebastian Walicki joined Croydon Circle on September 25th 2018.

Pictured below (2nd from right) with his two sponsors from left, Ken Davies and Stephen Piper, acting Circle President Steve Tatler (centre) and Membership Officer (right), John Fennell

Sebastian, a Parishioner of St. Gertrude’s in South Croydon, is a Mechanical Engineer,who attended John Fisher, the local Catholic Senior Boy’s School.

His interests are sea fishing, gardening and home brewing.

Enrolment of Kevin Gower

Brother Kevin Gower was enrolled into Croydon Circle at the Circle Meeting on 28th November 2017

Pictured with the new Brother are Circle President Steve Tatler (left) and Membership Officer John Fennell



Croydon Brother, Bernard Nelligan is Managing Director of SLE Ltd – the company that has won Business of the Year at the Croydon Business Awards 2012 for manufacturing excellence within Croydon. Bro. Bernard received the award from Ria Barlabas, the head of Barclays Business who said “We are here to look at the brightest stars”.

SLE manufactures life-saving neonatal ventilators – specialist life support equipment for newborn babies which has helped saved babies’ lives across the world and now exports over 90% of its products to 80 countries worldwide.

SLE is now shortlisted to go to the South London Business Awards later this year.


Bertram Leon awarded the Les Pitons Medal Gold (SLPM)

Our new Brother – Bertram Leon has just returned from St Lucia where he was awarded the Les Pitons Medal  Gold (SLPM) by Her Excellency Governor – General in the Order of St Lucia  in respect of  St Lucia’s 33rd Anniversary of Independence, for long and meritorious service to St Lucia. The awarde was made on Sunday 26th February. Bro. Bertram is Chairman of the Gros-Islet Community Association UK.