Archive for the General Category

Croydon’s Mass for Deceased Brothers

Every year Croydon Circle celebrates a Mass for Deceased brothers of the Circle.

This year, Mass was held in the newly refurbished chapel at The Cedars School on 8th November 2015.

The Circle were delighted that Fr. Joe O’Connor from Our Lady Of The Annunciation Church in Addiscombe agreed to celebrate Mass which was attended by 86 brothers, wives and widows of deceased brothers.

The School provided an excellent three course lunch to follow Mass.

Cedars School is an Independent Catholic Boys School recently founded by the PACT Educational Trust. The School has a strong Catholic ethos although it welcomes boys from all religions.

Provincial Weekend In Cambridge

22 Brothers, wives and Circle Ladies joined President of Province 19, Bro. Kevin Rourke and his wife Jacqui for their Provincial Weekend in Cambridge at The Hallmark Hotel on the outskirts of Cambridge.


Well attended by brothers from almost every Circle in the Province, the weekend started with a dinner where guests were asked to wear denim or blue to raise funds for Genes Day supported by the Duchesse of Cambridge.

Saturday activities included visits to Duxford and historic guided tours of Cambridge and punting on the river Cam.


The evening dinner was a formal event hosted by bro. Kevin and Jacqui.


Mass was celebrated in the Hotel on Sunday Morning.

President’s Weekend in Winchester September 30th – 3rd October 2015

Thirty two brothers, wives and Circle Ladies joined Brother President Richard Pyatt for his President’s Weekend at the Mercure Hotel in Winchester.



The weekend started with Even Song at Winchester Cathedral on Friday evening.

There is much to do in Winchester.

One group headed off to the Mid Hants Steam Railway that runs from Alresford to Alton. Prior to closure by Beeching in 1973 it was known as the Watercress Line as it was used to deliver locally grown watercress to Covent Garden.


Others headed for the local markets and the statue of King Alfred in addition to the Great Hall, one of the finest aisled halls of the 13th century which features the greatest symbol of medieval mythology – King Arthur’s Round Table. The Great Hall features an interesting dressing room where visitors are encouraged to dress appropriately as Knights, Dames, and Monks.


Dinner for the entire party on Saturday evening, was held in a private room at the hotel.

Mass on Sunday morning was held at St. Peter’s Parish Church.


Croydon answers charity call

Croydon Circle Immediate Past President Ken Lee was delighted with the support received for his chosen charity, the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

Over the 2014/15 Presidential Year, Brothers, Wives, Widows and friends raised almost £4000 before accounting for gift aided donations.  Events ranged from raffles to a sponsored Circle ‘Walk and Run’, Christmas card stamp donations, participation in the Charity’s own Marsden March, and a number of other generous donations.

Bro. Ken and his wife Tina were delighted to receive a certificate from the Royal Marsden for the total raised, on behalf of the Circle.


Croydon Circle immediate Past President Bro. Ken Lee and his wife Tina at the Royal Marsden Sutton receiving a certificate for Croydon Circle from Jean Eve (centre) the Charity’s Community Fundraising Assistant.

Presidents’ Sunday 2014

Croydon Circle celebrated President’s Sunday on 29th June at The Holy Family Church, Sanderstead.

The day started with a warm, spiritual Mass celebrated by Fr. Gus Kinnane and concelebrated by Fr. P. Murtagh which was much appreciated by the 95 Croydon Brothers, wives and widows of past members present in the congregation. Circle President Ken Lee and Vice President Richard Pyatt did the readings and like all Catenian Masses, the singing was spirited and full voiced.

The Mass was followed by a fantastic tea party superbly organised by Circle President Ken, his wife, Tina and their family.

Fortunately, the sunny weather only deteriorated later in the afternoon when the event was drawing to a close.

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The Marsden March – President’s Charity

At the beginning of his year in office, President Ken Lee announced that his President’s Charity would be The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and throughout the year various fund raising efforts have taken place.

The final event was participation in the Marsden March on Sunday 22nd March. Sadly, Ken an avid runner and walker was prevented from taking part (his son Thomas took his place) but members of the Circle put in much effort to raise funds for the Charity.

Gil and Phil Tomei , Maureen and Clare Melvin walked the 5 mile route whilst Stephen Piper, Andrew Denore and Thomas Lee walked the 14 mile route.

The final amount raised is not yet known but will certainly exceed several hundred pounds when fully collected.


Left to right
Phil Tomei, Gil Tomei, Clare Melvin, Maureen Melvin



Left to right
Stephen Piper, Andrew Denore, Phil Tomei, Gil Tomei, Thomas Lee