Archive for the General Category

Brother George Netley celebrates 50 years of membership

Brother George Netley receives his scroll to celebrate 50 years of membership

Brother George Netley receives his scroll to celebrate 50 years of membership of the Association from Grand President Vernon De Cruz at the May Supper.

Quiz Night

The Circle enjoyed their annual Quiz Night after the February Meeting. Answering questions on a range of subjects, the quiz followed dinner at the Purley Downs Golf Club.

Another new member joins Croydon Circle.

Another new member joins Croydon Circle

Pictured above from left to right – Grand President Tony Godden, new member Martin Gallagher, Circle President Gerry Gallen and membership Secretary John Fennell on the occasion of Croydon Circle’s Halfway Night in October 2011

Bernard Nelligan joins the Circle in July 2011

Bernard Nelligan joins the Circle in July 2011.

Pictured with Circle President gerry Gallen (left) and membership Secretary John Fennell (right)