Brother President Steve Tatler chose historic Salisbury for his 2017 Presidential Weekend.
Fifty two Brothers, Wives and Circle Ladies attended the weekend, based at the Mercure White Hart Hotel, conveniently situated in the centre of Salisbury.
The weekend got underway with Evensong at Salisbury Cathedral where Croydon Circle were warmly welcomed by Canon Robert Titley, who was no stranger to the Catenian Association, having previously attended a Clergy Night organised by Richmond & Twickenham Circle.
This was followed by a champagne reception and dinner at St Elizabeth’s Hall just a short walk from the Hotel. There was a great ‘buzz’ around the room as the latest news about families and friends was shared and anecdotes exchanged.
Saturday morning was filled with a Guided Tour of Salisbury which started at the hotel and finished in Cathedral Close. The guides were Blue Badge professionals who recounted the history of Salisbury as we passed the old houses of wool merchants, the Guildhall and old inns as we moved to the Market Square with its Saturday Morning market.
With so much history, there was an enormous amount to see and enjoy. The tour ended at the Cathedral which was finished in 1258 and houses a copy of the Magna Carta in the Chapter House. Thankfully, its tiny print in old Latin was accompanied by a translation in modern English.

Saturday evening started with a private dinner in the hotel restaurant and finished many hours later with non-stop dancing to the music of Steve and Roy Easthope aka ‘First Choice’. The guests included the President of Salisbury Circle Bro. Andrew Verrian and his wife Alison accompanied by three Salisbury Brothers and their Wives.
Mass was celebrated on Sunday morning at St Osmund’s Church where Canon Michael Fitzpatrick warmly welcomed our Circle group.

Steve Tatler (far) and Roy Easthope (near) aka ‘First Choice’