The following articles were authored by fdelicata

Family Gathering

Family Gathering 2023

Dickens & Inns of Court Walk

Dickens & Inns of Court Walk

President’s Weekend, Cambridge, 2023

Noel’s article about President’s Weekend to Cambridge

The Royal Hospital Chelsea

In September twelve Croydon brothers along with wives and guests were privileged to have a private tour of the iconic Royal Hospital Chelsea, home of the redoubtable Chelsea Pensioners. Croydon Brother Richard Bremer has been a volunteer at the Hospital for many years and arranged the visit following the removal of Covid restrictions.

The 66 acre site has been in operation since 1692 and is a legacy from King Charles II and Sir Christopher Wren, designed to provide a refuge for former members of the British Army. It is currently home to around 300 residents. Although there is an infirmary on site for current residents, the “Hospital” within the title is derived from the word hospitality.

Our tour guide, Chelsea Pensioner Mick, has been a resident following a 23 year Army career serving in a number of key campaigns. To qualify for a place at the Hospital applicants must have no dependents, have served in the Army and be aged over 65. After a successful interview potential tenants are invited for a 4 day trial to see if the culture of the hospital is a good fit with their own aspirations. Upon entry any military pensions are surrendered to the Hospital, whilst their state pension remains with them. Following a recent modernisation programme all Pensioners now occupy a room with a small living area, bedroom, ensuite bathroom and access to daylight. This is a far cry from what was available 50 years ago.

The tour covered all the main areas of the site including the multi faith chapel which counted Margret Thatcher as a frequent worshiper. She was laid to rest on the site and the infirmary bears her name.

Many will be familiar with the Chelsea Flower show which is held annually on the southern lawns of the site, being able to see this area without the show present only adds to the appreciation of the magnitude of the operation.

There is a museum and post office in the grounds and the general public are able to participate in organised tours. Details can be found at: –

Our thanks go to Brother Richard Bremer for organising our wonderful visit.

Roy and Lorna Easthope