Once more the Brothers of Croydon Circle and their wives have given their generous support to the President’s Charity and through various fund raising events, collected the astonishing amount of £1,200 in aid of the Kent Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre “KMSTC”.
The KMSTC is devoted to improving the lives of MS sufferers with a wide range of remedial therapies, including specialist Oxygen (Hypobaric) – the only facility in the South East able do so.
It is a registered charity established in 1984 and which moved to its present purpose-built premises in January 2015. It relies entirely upon charitable donations – which also funded construction of the current building.
In accepting our cheque Moira Mitchell asked that the warm thanks and gratitude of all at KMSTC be passed on to Croydon Catenians and should any of them wish to visit the Centre (by appointment) they would be welcomed.

Past President, Paul Connolly presents our cheque to Moira Mitchell, Head of Fun Raising at the KMSTC in Canterbury, watched by brother Patrick – himself an MS sufferer for more than 30 years.